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#       $Id: BashMitFHS.html,v 1.2 2003/04/19 21:45:11 matthias Exp $
#                       Script-Beschreibung/-Zweck
#                       verwendete Programme: rm
# -x = debugging on (xtrace)
# -h = Remember  the  location of commands as they
#      are  looked  up  for  execution.   This  is
#      enabled by default.
# -p = Turn on privileged mode.  In this mode, the
#      $ENV and $BASH_ENV files are not processed,
#      shell functions are not inherited from  the
#      environment, and the SHELLOPTS variable, if
#      it appears in the environment, is  ignored.
# (read 'man set' for full info on options)
set -h -p -x

# konfigurierbare Variablen:

# interne Arbeitsvariablen:
declare -r Me="${0##*/}"                       # Pfadnamen entfernen
#declare -r Who="${Me#*.}"                      # Datei-Endung entfernen
declare -r Who=$(basename $Me .sh)              # Datei-Endung entfernen
#declare -r ConfigFile="~/${Who}.conf"          # Konfigurations-Datei: privat
declare -r ConfigFile="./${Who}.conf"          # Konfigurations-Datei: privat
# oder:
# declare -r ConfigFile="/etc/${Who}.conf"     # Konfigurations-Datei: System
declare -r MyPID="$$"                          # PID des aktuellen Prozesses
declare -r MyFiles="/tmp/${Who}"                # Grund-Name fuer tmp.-Dateien
declare -r WorkFlag="${MyFiles}.MenAtWork"     # LOCK-Datei

# logfiles fuehren
exec 1>> /var/log/${Who}.log
exec 2>> /var/log/${Who}.err

# weitere Variablen-Deklarationen

# Unterprogramme/Funktionen

# Main()
# andere Programm-Kopie aktiv
[ -f ${WorkFlag} ] && exit 1

# Aufraeumen sicherstellen
trap " rm -f ${MyFiles}* ; exit " 0 1 2 3 9 15

# Aktivitaet signalisieren
echo ${MyPID} >${WorkFlag}
# sollte nie passieren ...
[ -w ${WorkFlag} ] || exit 1

# Konfig-Datei einlesen
[ -s ${ConfigFile} ] && . ${ConfigFile}

# Anweisungen


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Argumente parsen