
Aus SchnallIchNet
Version vom 5. April 2013, 09:08 Uhr von Cbs (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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get gource

here: http://code.google.com/p/gource/

create log-file

svn log --verbose --xml https://bar.org/svn/foo/ > ~/myFoo.log

modify log for gource

svn-gource.py --filter-dirs ~/myFoo.log > ~/myFoo.gource.log

run gource

gource -800x600 --path ~/myFoo.gource.log -s 2 -b 000000 --highlight-all-users \
-title "myFoo-Project Development" --hide progress,filenames --user-scale 2.0 \
--stop-at-end --output-ppm-stream - | ffmpeg -y -b 3000K -r 60 -f image2pipe \
-vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf 28 -threads 0 ~/myFoo.gource.mp4
Achtung.jpeg ffmpeg options have changed options in ffmpeg 1.0.5. older versions used
'-vcodec libx264 -vpre hq -crf 28' but '-vpre hq' is outdated use old options only in older versions of ffmpeg

additionally you may use gource-option:

--user-image-dir /path/to/imgdir/     Sets the path to developer-images.
                                      Images should be named 'username.[png|jpg]'

e.g. convert to flv for streaming...

ffmpeg -i ~/myFoo.gource.mp4 -b_qfactor 4.0 -b 4000000 -r 25 -s 800x600 ~/myFoo.gource.flv

if really want streaning add meta-data:

flvtool2 -P myFoo.gource.flv

this modifies the file itself!!
if you want to keep an .flv file without metadata create a backup first!!!

have fun!