Aus SchnallIchNet
konvert WAV to GSM format
#!/bin/bash # # if [ -z "$1" ]; then SP="." else SP=$1 fi for i in $SP/*.wav; do sox $i -r 8000 -c 1 ${SP}/$(basename $i .wav).gsm resample -ql done
#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then echo Usage $0 [PATH to src-dir] [PATH to dst-dir] exit 1; fi cd $1; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo cd to $1 failed. Check src-path please exit 1; fi if [ ! -d "$2" ]; then echo "dst-dir $2 does not exist!" echo -n "Press ENTER to create it."; read hlp; mkdir -p "$2" fi for i in ./*.wav; do file_orig=`basename "$i" .wav`; file=`echo "$file_orig" | tr ' ' '_'`; echo $file_orig; echo $file; lame -h -b 192 "$i" "$2/${file}.mp3"; done unset i; for i in ./*.WAV; do file_orig=`basename "$i" .WAV`; file=`echo "$file_orig" | tr ' ' '_'`; echo $file_orig; echo $file; lame -h -b 192 "$i" "$2/${file}.mp3"; done ### EOF ###